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The TERRA Club Championship comprises 8 to 10 rounds (weather permitting) and each round is made up of 3 X 10 lap races at the Hidden Valley Motorsport Raceway. Racing starts at 09:00 and all competitors are required to be at the track no later then 08:00. Administration desk is open until 8.30am. All racers must have their bikes and riding gear scrutineered before taking to the track. All riders must have full leathers, motorcycle boots and gloves, an approved helmet and a back protector. TERRA grades all racers - Superbikes, Supersport and Clubman classes for the Club Championship. A racers grade is not dependent on the type or capacity of the bike they ride. TERRA grading is determined by the rider lap time. This has led to great racing as it is common to see 400cc bikes racing side by side with 600cc and at times 1000cc machines. For further information about race days and being a competitor contact a TERRA committee member. 

RACE entries are via RIDERNET, prior to the event. Entries will not be accepted on the day at the track.

A lot of ride dayers progress to racing and its pretty easy to get started. There are always plenty of track bikes for sale. Ask a TERRA member or check out the classifieds on this page. You'll need a set of race stands, tyre warmers and a transponder.

You'll also need an MA (Motorcycling Australia) Race licence. A form can be found on this website. You'll also need to be a paid up member of TERRA or another established race club.

You'll start off in the Clubman class which is a mix of all bike capacities and is dictated by lap times. Once you get into  the Mid to low 1m 20's you'll have the opportunity to progress to the Supersport or Superbike class and mix it with the fast guys!

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